On Friday, California Governor Jerry Brown just signed AB 1616, also known as The California Homemade Food Act, which allows California residents to sell homemade foods to stores, restaurants and directly to consumers. Residents can now venture into small food business without leasing a space just to sell out their baked goods and other tasty confections.
The said law allows home-based food entrepreneurs to produce goods that are non-potentially hazardous such as bread, fruit pies, jams, honey, dried nuts. Goods made involving cream or meat ingredients are prohibited.
Now that this bill is officially put into law, California will expect growing numbers of food entrepreneurs. Although this act still requires aspiring businessman/women to complete a food processor course, label their goods and to undergo inspections and registrations with the local health department depending on who they’re selling too. Nevertheless, this is good news to those who has the passion and skill for baking and cooking. And remember, big things come from small beginnings. This law might just be the stepping stone for your own kind of big success.
Source: LA Times
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