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September 7, 2012

The Battle of the Tablet is on Fire With the New Kindle Fire


As the new Kindle Fire models unveiled, the war of the tablets are getting more exciting. Amazon introduced 3 models of their new Kindle Fire in HD. These devices come with two sizes, the 7-inch screen and the larger model 8.9-inch screen.

We all know that Apple is dominating in the world of tablet, but Amazon is hoping to make a dent in the tablet market.

Amazon named their new devices Kindle Fire HD which will have two Wi-Fi channels for faster transfers. The 7-inch Kindle Fire HD will sell at $199 while the 8.9-inch at $299 with the 16GB memory. The original Kindle Fire will down its cost to $159 from $199 and will start shipping next Friday. 

Amazon also announced their ultimate model of Kindle Fire with the ability to connect 4G LTE. It will have 8.9-inch screen display with the 32GB memory and will cost at $499. The price is much higher compared to other Kindle Fire but it would be worth since you can connect to the Internet without a Wi-Fi hotspot. The 4G LTE speeds up to 10 times faster than the 3G, so you can definitely enjoy surfing without interference. 

Kindle Fire 4G LTE also offers a one time payment of $49.99 and you can get 250MB a month for 12 consecutive months.

Source: FoxNews
Image Credit: Amazon


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