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September 14, 2012

Nintendo Wii U Price and Release Date


We have been hearing about Wii U with a sneak peak of its hardware and games since 2011, but no exact date to when it will be available. Finally, Nintendo announced the price and release date of their Nintendo Wii U at a press conference in New York. 

The Wii U has a 6.2 inch, 16:9 aspect ratio LCD touch-screen and the traditional button controls with two analog sticks. It also includes motion control, a microphone, a front-facing camera, stereo speaker, rumble features, a stylus, a sensor bar and support for Near Field Communication (NFC). Has a rechargeable lithium ion battery and weighs about 1.1 pounds. 

The device will be available this November 18 with two sets of price. The Basic Set will be in color white with: Wii U console, One GamePad, Sensor Bar, 8GB SSD and HDMI Cable. The basic set will sell at $299.

The color of the Deluxe Set will be black and will cost $349 with: Wii U Console, One GamePad, Sensor Bar, HDMI Cable, Charging Stand, Console Stand, 32GB SSD and the Nintendo Land Game Disc.

Sources: CNet , Nintendo
Image Credit: Nindtendo


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