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September 11, 2012

AT&T and LG Offer Consumers with LG Escape Smarthphone at a Lower Price


AT&T and LG joined forces to offer a pretty enticing offer for consumers this fall. South Korean company LG is trying to step up the game as its new smartphone device LG Escape will make its way to AT&T’s product list this fall. This 4G LTE phone will be available this September 16, four days after iPhone 5 launch date, online and through AT&T retailers just for $50 with a two-year contract.

For a price of $50, this LG Escape also features big time specs. It runs on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, with 4GB memory, a microSD card slot and a 1.2 GHz dual core processor. Just like any smartphone, it also has pretty large display at 4.3 inches and it’s equipped with a 5 megapixel rear camera and 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera.

So if you think you’ll be getting less than what you paid for, well you’re not.  You’ll have a decent device at an affordable offer. Tying up with AT&T to offer a budget-friendly phone is all part of the bigger plan for LG. LG President Koo Bon-moo is doing its might to push his company to another notch. Money allotted for research and development at LG has been increased to develop new products that will lead the market in years from now.

LG ranked number five in the second quarter of 2012 for mobile handsets shipment with 3.6% market share. With Apple unveiling its mighty iPhone 5 tomorrow, there’s no doubt that players like LG needs more pounding to gain better market share in a world dominated by Apple. And that may last for years of pounding before they get to oust iPhone in the the smartphone world.

Source and Image Credit: DigitalTrends


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