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September 1, 2012

Walmart Tests iPhone App For Self-Checkout Shopping


U.S largest or perhaps the world’s largest retailer is testing a new system that will allow shoppers to scan items using their iPhones before they reach the checkout counter. Walmart invited its employees with iPhones to participate their “scan and go” test at their branch in Rogers, Arkansas.

This is a smart move from Walmart as they were receiving lot of complaints on how time-consuming it is to pay at Walmart since only one employee does the scanning and bagging of the items. And sometimes only few checkout counters are open and staffed with cashiers.

Walmart spokesperson David Tovar announces that Walmart is continually pursuing ways on how to enhance customer experience in their stores. This iPhone app is just one of those ways they hope to liven up their customers.

According to a report from Reuters, this Walmart iPhone app includes functions like letting its users create shopping lists and check which items are in stock. Walmart offered its participants for the said test a $100 for an hour-session and a $25 gift card to use in the store for their purchases. The test allows the shoppers to scan their items with their iPhones and put them in bags while they shop. Once they’re done, they pay at a self-checkout counter. The iPhone app then transfers the scanned data to the self-checkout kiosk where shoppers can complete the transaction using the regular self-checkout process. Walmart has not disclosed though if it will also allow shoppers to pay using their phones as couple of establishments is already adopting the pay by phone system.

“All the effort is to speed your way through the checkout so that we can reduce costs and improve the shopping experience,” said Paul Weitzel, managing partner at Willard Bishop. He further added, “With smartphones and improved technology we’re only going to see more of this.

Shopping centers and even restaurants are adopting how technology makes life a bit hassle-free. Other restaurants use tablets as a menu book where customers choose their food using tablets and forward it to order at the counter. And now you can even pay your order at the counter by confirming your name. All these and more are just totally surprising.

News Source: Reuters


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