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September 2, 2012

The Undying Patent Issue: Apple VS Samsung in Tokyo


In San Jose, California last week, Apple won the battle against Samsung in the patent case. The jury awarded Apple for more than $1 billion for the damages. 

Samsung made it in Tokyo. The Tokyo District Court ruled that Samsung did not infringe the technology of Apple’s patent that synchronizes music and videos between devices and servers. 

Now, Apple has filed another patent suits in Japan. Claiming that Samsung copied the bounce-back effect on the iPhone and iPad. Apple asked for an injunction that preventing Samsung Galaxy smartphones in shipping to Japan. Well, Samsung also sued Apple in Japan that iPhone and iPad infringe on Samsung patents.

This has been a long long issue for the patent case. Apple still continues to file patent issue against Samsung. What Apple wants is to be the top of the top with no competition from other companies. 

When will this be end?

Source: NYTimes


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