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September 7, 2012

Nokia Faked Lumia Pureview Camera Demo


Nokia takes pride in its PureView camera technology for Lumia 920 smartphone. How does this new technology works? Capturing images for moving objects produces blurry snapshots but if you have one like Nokia’s PureView camera, “it eliminates blurry images and even improves pictures shot in low light condition”.

With an aim to impress its attendees including potential investors at a press conference in New York City last Wednesday, Nokia featured a video taken by its PureView camera tech nology. The video featured a cheerful woman riding on a bike and was shot by a male companion who’s also riding a bike. But a reflection in the video was spotted by tech blog The Verge which actually revealed that the woman was shot by someone in a van with a larger camera and is accompanied by a lighting crew.

Nokia immediately published a post in its blog with title” An apology is due”. It says, “in an effort to demonstrate the benefits of optical image stabilization (which eliminates blurry images and improves pictures shot in low light conditions), we produced a video that simulates what we will be able to deliver with OIS.” It further added, “This was not shot with a Lumia 920. At least,  not yet. We apologize for the confusion we created.”

To straighten things out, Nokia then released a new video which is shown below featuring on the right the Nokia Lumia 920 prototype with OIS and on the left is a smartphone without OIS.

Image Credit: The Verge
News Source: PCMag


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