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September 15, 2012

New Logo Seems to be the New Trend: They’re Going for Clean Cut Logo


Famous buy and sell website decided to change its logo after 17 years. So what is with the new look? In seventeen years, a lot has changed indeed fro eBay especially on the internet and on how technology changes our once simple lives. Innovation is the magic word. If you don’t know the game, better yet hire a brilliant lawyer or all else you’ll end up paying billions of dollars for copycat ideas.

 Sounds familiar, right? eBay finally decided to somehow get a new look for its aged logo as they embark new and creative ways to buy and sell which could be part of its company’s innovative plans.

It carries the same colors but minus the overlapping effect. It’s pretty clean and straight, don’t you think? Devin Wenig, eBay President, said on its announcement, “The time felt right. We’re incredibly proud of how eBay started and quickly grew into the world’s largest online marketplace.”

So after 17 years in the business, a clean trim is what eBay call a refreshing look. Oh well, it’s not just them who prefers clean edges. Microsoft got one too.  It took them twenty-five years to finally decide for a trimmed logo. But if we try to look at it closer and deeper though, straight edges, clean looking logo implies that they are bold enough to settle for simplicity when quirkiness is considered catchy and stylish these days.

And if in case you missed it, search giant Google also recently changed their favicon or that tiny bookmark icon on top to all blue. Once again, it opted for a single color to project its letter “g” seamlessly.  See? Changing logos is viral these days. Who do you think is next in line? Stay tune.

Sources: CNET, eBay 


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