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September 16, 2012

Lady Gaga Gets Inked Live During Her Fragrance Launch


Lady Gaga is widely noted for her racy stunts and weird costumes. And this time, she’s taking her fragrance launch tattooed on everyone’s heads and literally including hers. The Born This Way singer gets a new tattoo on the shaved portion on the lower back of her head on Thursday as part of her so to say “artistic” stunt for her fragrance debut.

The pop singer even stripped down to nothing but lingerie while getting his head inked live in front of her guests in Solomon R Guggenheim Museum in New York. She had tattoo artist Michael Mahoney tattooed her with a Renaissance era cherub as a tribute to Gaga’s Italian heritage according to Mahoney. It featured a head of an angel wearing a crown with wings.

She definitely knows how to throw a party. Aside from being hands on with who gets to party with her, which included Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga arrived in the said event in a large replica of her perfume bottle wrapped in black fur and was apparently asleep in a bed inside the large bottle for an hour. Guests were invited then to touch Gaga through a hole in the bottle while making sure she’s not awakened as she took a nap before performing the ink stunt. 

You want to check Lady Gaga's Tour Dates here.

Source: Daily Mail


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