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March 31, 2014

iPhone 6 Release on September With Two Versions


According to the recent reports, Apple will released two versions of iPhone 6 probably this coming September. As the company's track record, major product releases always happen around fall. The iPhone 5 series came out last September 2012. And the new version iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c came out around the same time last year. So many analysts believe that Apple will be releasing its new flagship on this timeline soon.

A 4.7-inch model and a 5.5-inch variant, these two variants are reportedly in production just in time for a fall release. Still a few months to wait for Apple fans. While its competitor Samsung Galaxy S5 will be released this April.

They noted that Apple is working together with Japanese Electronics Company, Sharp, for the supply of higher-resolution crystal display screens. Apple is also collaborating with LG Display in South Korea and Japan display. All this done by Apple to give you much fresher version of the new flagship iPhone 6.


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