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March 26, 2014

How To Make Your LG G Pro 2 a WiFi Hotspot


Do you want to share your Internet connection for your friends? With LG G Pro 2, you can now share your connection with up to 5-8 devices by turning on the portable Wi-Fi hotspot. You will notice an icon in the Status bar when your phone is sharing a data connection.

Follow these steps on how to make your LG G Pro 2 a WiFi hotspot:

Step 1. Tap on the Home Icon > Menu Key.

Step 2. Select All settings > Tap Networks tab.

Step 3. Then choose Tethering & Networks.

Step 4. Go to Mobile Hotspot checkbox to activate the feature.

A blue checkmark indicates that the feature is active. Tap Set up Mobile Hotspot to change the SSID, password, security type, and other hotspot options.

Also check: LG G Pro 2 Tips and Tricks | How To's


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