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March 31, 2014

How to Hard Reset Sony Xperia Z1s Using Buttons


We have our own reasons why we hard reset our device. Maybe we want to delete all the files and restore the device to its original state. It could also be the device may be malfunctioning or so slow and it needs to be reset.

Restoring the default settings or factory reset your Sony Xperia Z1s will delete all your existing files. It is recommended to backup your important files on your computer before attempting to reset your device.

1. Switch off your device. If it is frozen, remove your battery and insert it again.

2. Keep the device turned off, then press and hold the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons.

3. Then press and hold the Power button (just keep on holding the volume buttons). Keeping those three button pressed, there should be a menu will appear on your phone.

4. Press the Volume down button to navigate to the Recovery option. Press the Volume Up to select (if that doesn't work, use the Power button to select).

5. An Android logo will appear. Press and hold the Volume Down and Volume Up button together and the recovery menu should appear. Use the Volume buttons to move to the Wipe data/Factory reset option and then press Power to select.

6. Use the Volume Down key to choose Yes and press the Power button again to select.

Want more? Check Sony Xperia Z1s Tips and Tricks.


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