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March 29, 2014

How to Turn On/Off WiFi on iPhone 5c | Forget a Network


With its sleek and stunning features, iPhone 5c is surely one of the best of its kind. Apple has finally connected iPhone to the fastest cellular data network called the LTE. Uploads, data download, internet browsing is faster than you think even when it’s not on WiFi connection. Nevertheless, here are few steps on how you can turn on/off your wifi settings on your mighty iPhone 5c.

1. On your iPhone 5c device, press on the Settings icon.

2. Select on WiFi on the menu options.

3. Now there’s a switch button on top of your screen. If you click on that, it’ll turn on the Wifi Settings in blue color. Press the same button to turn off WiFi.

4. Take note that when you turn on your WiFi settings, it will search for available networks in the local area.

Choose a network: Tap one of the listed networks and enter the password, if asked.

• Ask to join networks: Turn on “Ask to Join Networks” to be prompted when a Wi-Fi network is available. Otherwise, you must manually join a network when a previously used network isn’t available.

• Forget a network: Tap 'i' icon next to a network you’ve joined before. Then tap “Forget this Network.”

• Join a closed Wi-Fi network: Tap Other, then enter the name of the closed network. You must already know the network name, security type, and password (if required).

• Adjust the settings for a Wi-Fi network: Tap 'i' icon next to a network. You can set an HTTP proxy, define static network settings, turn on BootP, or renew the settings provided by a DHCP server

Also check: iPhone 5c Tips and Tricks | How To's

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