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March 22, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 on the Way to Sprint and T-Mobile


Starting on April 11, carriers Sprint and T-Mobile announced that their customers will be able to get their hands on the new Samsung Galaxy S5. It will be available for pre-order at T-Mobiles stores and online starting Monday. For Sprint customers you can go into your nearest store to reserve.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is highly anticipates handset, as CEO John Legere said "This thing is so hot we've already seen over a half a million pre-registrations for the Galaxy S5,"

Both carriers are offering the smartphone for $0 down. Customers of T-Mobile who pre-order by March 31 will get a "special introductory price" of 24 monthly payments of $27.50. 

For Sprint customers, you can sign on with the Easy Pay plan for monthly payments of $27.09 over the next two years. Otherwise, Sprint is charging $200 for the device with a new line or eligible upgrade, after a $50 mail-in rebate.

Here's Samsung Galaxy S5 Official Introduction


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