Voicemail services depends on your subscription plan with your service provider. This feature allows caller to leave voice messages on your phone whenever you can't pick up. Your voicemail number may be found on your sim card or you can get it directly from your service provider. Here are the steps to set up voicemail service on Sony Xperia Z2 tablet.
To set up your voicemail number:
1. On your device's homescreen, tap on Menu icon

to enter your voicemail number.
2. Go to Settings menu.
3. Select Call Settings and choose Voicemail Settings.
4. Tap on Voicemail number so you can enter your designated voicemail service number.
5. And lastly tap on OK.
To call your voicemail service number:
1. On your homescreen, tap on the Menu icon

2.Look for Phone and tap it.
3. And touch and hold for seconds the number 1.
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