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March 21, 2014

HTC Desire 816 Tips and Tricks


It is very important for you to know some tips on your device like HTC Desire 816. It will help you learn more about your device to make your life much easier in using it. Improving your productivity and fulfilling what you expected on your HTC Desire 816.

Here are some How To's for your HTC Desire 816. These How To's may still not yet complete and I am finding some time to work on the others:

How to Factory Reset (Hard Reset) HTC Desire 816

Resetting your HTC Desire 816 will restore the default settings of your device. It will also delete all your files on your phone, so it is recommended to have a backup of your important files on your computer. There are two ways on how to reset your HTC Desire 816 . It can be done through the settings or through the hardware buttons.

Resetting HTC Desire 816 on Settings:
  • Slide the Notifications panel open, and then tap the Gear Icon or Settings.
  • Select Backup & reset.
  • Tap Reset phone
  • If you want to delete all your files, then tap Erase all data.
  • Then tap OK to confirm.

Resetting HTC Desire 816 by Hardware Buttons:

These steps is also helpful when your HTC Desire 816 is unresponsive or frozen and there's no way to access the settings.

  • First, press and hold the Volume Down button, and then do the same way on the Power button.
  • Hold the two buttons until the three Android images appear on the screen. 
  • Release the button when the three Android images appear and press Volume Down.
  • Tap on Factory Reset, and then press the Power Button to confirm.

How to Import Contacts From Old Phone to New Phone (on iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia)

Contacts is very important for everyone of us. We can't connect to our friends without a contact number. If you have a new phone, saving contacts on the phone one by one is so hassle. But now, there's an easy way how to transfer or import your contacts from your old phone to your new phone.

Use your PC to transfer contacts to your new phone. This process is applicable in several phone brands, including iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia.

You just need an Internet Connection on your PC, your old and new phone and their own USB cable.

Then you need to install the PC Companion program. This is a free application and the installation files are already saved on your new phone. This program can also be used in updating your phone software.

Please note that if you are using the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system on your PC, make sure that the AutoPlay setting is enabled.

To check your settings:

Click Start > Control Panel, then type "autoplay" on the search box. Click the AutoPlay, and mark the check box Use AutoPlay for all media and devices.

Installing the PC Companion:

  • Turn on your new Phone and connect it to your PC.
  • On your new Phone, tap "Install" to install PC Companion on the PC.
  • On your computer, if a pop-up window that appears notifies you about available PC Software, select Run Startme.exe.
  • Then click Install to start the installation and then follow the instructions to complete the installation.

If you are not prompted with a pop-up window to install the PC Companion, you can also download the PC Companion here.

Transferring your contacts to your new phone:

  • Make sure that PC Companion is installed on your PC.
  • Open the PC Companion application on your PC.
  • Then click Contacts Setup and follow the instructions to transfer your contacts.

How to Send a Multimedia Message and Create a Slideshow on HTC Desire 816 

Text messaging has grown its popularity over the years especially to younger generations. People, especially teens, prefer to communicate with friends and relatives thru texting instead of the traditional call. But whether your reaching out to friends thru text or a call, what matters most is the effort for still trying to keep in touch despite distance and even on busy schedules. We should be more grateful these days as it only takes minutes, even seconds, for a quick response unlike the old school snail mail. Now, everyone is just a text away. And more to that, you can even send multimedia messages (MMS) especially on special occasions to add more touch to a simple text-filled screen. Here's how you can send a MMS on HTC Desire 816.

1. On your device's homescreen, tap onand go to Messages.
2. Then tap on
3. On the To Field, key in a contact name, mobile number or email address. You can also send it to a group of friends by tapping on
4. To add a subject line, tap onand go to Add Subject.
5. Tap on the box that says Add text and there you can type in your special message.
6. Choose an attachment for your message by tapping on
7.  After you browse and select an attachment, tap on Send or pressto save it as a draft. You can also tap onto see options like replacingviewing and removing your attachment.

Now if you wish your Mutimedia Message to reach an extra mile, you can have it on a slideshow format. Here's how you can create one:

1. After you've attached a photo/video/audio in your MMS, tap ononce again and select Slide.
2. Then choose where you want to insert the next slide.
3. When you're done adding the next slide, you can either do the following:
  •  tap onand choose to add a video or a photo
  •  tap onand then audio if you want to add a voice recording or a music to the slide
  •  tap on Add Text to add a caption
  •  tap onto view options like replacingviewing or removing your attachment.
4. To preview your MMS slideshow, tap on   select Preview. If you don't see Preview, scroll down the menu. To view the playback controls, tap once the preview screen.
5. When it's all set and done, press on or tap on Send to save message as a draft.

Now you can make someone's day a very special one with this creative and personalize MMS.

How to Set HTC Desire 816 into Sleep Mode

Like any other device, setting HTC Desire 816  into sleep mode will somehow save its battery life. Sleep mode puts your device into a lower power state while the display is off. It also prevents accidental button presses when its in your pocket or bag. Here's how you can set HTC Desire 816 into sleep mode.

1. Briefly press on your device's Power button to turn off the display.  Then switch to Sleep Mode.

2. To change the time before your device sleeps, just go to Display & buttons settings.

3. To wake it up, manually press the Power button and unlock your screen.

4. Your device will also automatically wakes up when you have an incoming call.

How to Extend Battery Life of HTC Desire 816 

Battery Life depends on how you use your device. For HTC Desire 816 device, if you want to save your battery to last longer hours, you may need to adjust your settings. Follow these suggestions:

• Turn on the power-saving option on the device. Then lessen the screen brightness and the screen lock timeout.

1. Slide the Notifications panel open.

- You can also choose which phone features to conserve the power. Just tap the Power saver notification first before you turn power saver mode on.

2. To turn the power saver mode on or off, tap the check button next to the Power saver notification.

• Turn down your device volume with the volume keys.

• Close any apps or features when you are done using it so they will not continuously running in the background.

• Turn off the network connection if you are out of range so that your device will stop searching for a network signal.

• You should use the latest version of the software update. Software updates improves some features and fixes some bugs on the previous software version.

• Turn off the camera flash.

• The camera viewfinder can be a power drain, so after you've finished taking photos.

How to Take Continuous Camera Shots on HTC Desire 816 

Want to take photos continuously on your HTC Desire 816? You just need to set the settings and you can now capture the moment of the action. Every movement of the action counts, so take the photo continuously.

Follow these steps:

1. First, make sure that you're in Normal scene to use this feature.

2. On the Viewfinder screen, just press and hold on.

- It should take 20 consecutive shots since it is the default settings.

- If you want to capture more than 20 shots, just tap on the Gear Icon or Settings, then Continuous shooting. After that, clear the Limit to 20 frames option.

3. You can also select the photo that you like most by tapping Best shot. If you don't want the other photos, then you can delete it.

How to Use HTC Zoe on HTC Desire 816 

With HTC Zoe feature, your photo gallery will never be the same. It brings captured moments into life. This feature on HTC Desire 816 allows you to automatically capture 20 photos and a 3-second video once you press the shutter.  You can now create a living photo album with HTC's ultrapixel camera that promises to quickly shoot vivid, true-to-life images even under low light conditions. Here's how to capture those memories with HTC Zoe.

1. On your device's Viewfinder screen, tapto switch HTC Zoe on.

2. Once you're ready to capture, just tap.

3. When the shutter release icon slowly turns to red, continue holding the phone steadily as it still captures a few seconds of shots.

Take note though that camera features like zooming is not available when you're using HTC Zoe feature. To add a little touch of creativity on those pictures, just open and edit them in the Gallery app.

How to Show Screen on TV With HTC Desire 816 

Share what you're viewing on HTC Desire 816 onto a big screen TV.

  •  If you have a home theater system that's DLNA® compliant, you can share your photos, videos, movies, and music from HTC Desire 816 to your TV through your home Wi‑Fi network.
  •  Don't have a DLNA setup at home? Don't worry. Just purchase the HTC Media Link HD and hook it up to your HDMI TV. You can then wirelessly share what you're viewing or listening on HTC Desire 816 to your TV.

About HTC Media Link HD

You can plug in HTC Media Link HD to any TV with HDMI port, and use it to display content wirelessly to your TV.

Easy to set up and use

With just a three-finger swipe, connect HTC Desire 816 to HTC Media Link HD and share on the big screen.

Multitask with dual-screen display

HTC Media Link HD gives you dual-screen display when you're:

  • Viewing a video in Gallery
  • Playing music in the HTC Music app

While you're playing media on the big screen, you can multitask and do other things such as take calls, browse the Web, or send email on HTC Desire 816.

Turns your TV into a digital photo frame

Use the TV screen saver feature to store up to 30 photos from HTC Desire 816 on HTC Media Link HD, and display them as a slideshow on your TV.

To find out more about setting up HTC Media Link HD and using it with HTC Desire 816, refer to the HTC Media Link HD user guide

How to Check Battery Usage and History on HTC Desire 816 

Keeping our phones at top shape at all times is a serious task. As much as possible, we try to save as much power as we can for our phones to last longer especially if we're hitting the road. If you've noticed, here in Zakyri, we always make posts on our blog on ways to save a phone's battery life. I might as well share these steps for all HTC Desire 816 users out there on how you can check battery usage on your phone. In this way you can see a ranking list of apps that are consuming up your battery life and even how long you've been using up your phone since the last charge. This is a pretty good information when you badly need to save up your battery life.

To check on each app's battery consumption:

1. On your homescreen, slide the Notifications panel open.

2. Then tap

3. Choose and tap on Power and go to Usage.

4. And tap an app to check how it's using up your phone's battery and other use details.

If you see a button while viewing an app's battery use details, you can tap that button to adjust its settings that affect your battery usage, you can stop the app and more.

To check on your battery history

1. On your homescreen, slide the Notifications panel open.
2. Then tap.
3. Choose and tap on Power and go to History.
4. Now swipe left or right ( or spread or pinch your fingers) to scale the graph that details your battery usage over the time.

How to Clear Call History on HTC Desire 816 

Either your call logs are just piling up or you simply want to achieve a clean call history list, then you can do the steps below. Here's how to delete or clear call history on your HTC Desire 816 device.

To delete one name or number

1. On your device's Call History tab, press and hold the name or number you wish
to delete.

2. And tap Delete from call history.

To delete the entire call history list

1. On Call History tab, tapthen go to Remove call history.

2. On the Delete from call history screen, tap

3. Choose Select all and then tap Delete.

How to Hide Missed Calls and Messages on HTC Desire 816 Lockscreen

Some mobile users want to check if there's any missed calls or messages right when they pick up their phone even if its locked. But if you're like me who prefers a clean lockscreen, free from missed calls and messages notification, then you might as well follow these steps to keep them hidden. Here's how you can hide those info on a HTC Desire 816 lockscreen.

1. First, slide the Notifications panel open.

2. Then tap.

3. Now go to Security.

4. And clear the Phone notification preview and Message notification
preview options to hide missed calls and messages on the lockscreen.

Now you can appreciate more how your phone looks like when its locked. Looking clean
and free.

How to Personalize HTC Desire 816 Launch Bar

A launch bar is a one stop hub on your homescreen for commonly used apps. By personalizing your launch bar you can now have a one-touch access to apps that you often use. These apps and shortcuts on your launch bar are also what you see on the lockscreen. Here's how you can personalize your HTC Desire 816 launch bar.

1. On your device's homescreen, tapto go to the All apps view.

2. Now press and hold the app you want to be replaced and then drag it out
of the launch bar.

3. Then press and hold an app you frequently use and drag it to the empty slot
on your launch bar.

If you have couple of apps to place on your launch bar, you can group them into
a folder and place them in the launch bar. Here's how you can group apps into 
a folder.

1. On the All apps view of your device, press and hold an app and drag it over
to another app to automatically create a new folder for these apps.

2. To add more apps, press and hold an app and drag it to the folder.

3. Now drag the folder from the All apps view to the launch bar.

4. If you want to remove an app from a folder on the launch bar, you need to
switch first to the All apps view and then drag the app out of the folder.

Congratulations! You have just personalized your HTC Desire 816 launch bar with your favorite apps.

How to Set up Speed Dialing on HTC Desire 816 

Speed dialing is definitely a must-have feature on any phones. Whether you're in a hurry or in an emergency, this feature lets you call important contacts right away by just dialing a number key on your phone. For all HTC Desire 816 users, here's how you can set up speed dialing on your device.

1. First, open the phone app on your device.

2. Then tapand go to Speed Dial.

3. Now tapand select a contact from the list.

4. On the Speed dial screen, choose the phone number of the contact to use
and a speed dial key to assign for that contact.

5. Once your done, tap Save.

Take note that the number 1 key is generally used and reserved for calling voicemail and retrieving voicemail messages.

How to Make Your HTC Desire 816 a Wireless Router

Smartphones these days can now share its mobile data connection and act as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. And like those high-end gadgets, HTC Desire 816 is sure to let you experience the benefits of making it as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. Here's how you can make your HTC Desire 816 phone the next Wi-Fi hotspot.

  • Slide the Notifications panel open, and then tap the Gear Icon or Settings.
  • Under Wireless & Network, tap More.
  • Select Mobile network sharing > Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings
  • Enter your preferred router name, or you can also use the default name.
  • Choose the type of security and set a password for your wireless router. (If you selected none, then you don't have to enter a password.)
  • Select the Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot option to turn on the wireless router. 

When you see the router wireless icon, then your HTC Desire 816 is ready to be used as a router.


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