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March 31, 2014

How to Link Duplicate Contacts on Sony Xperia Z1s


Duplicate contacts usually happens when you import your old contacts to your new device or when you synchronize your contacts with the other account. On your Sony Xperia Z1s, you can avoid dupicate contacts and instead link these two to create a single entry. If you happen to link two contacts by mistake, you can separate them again. Here's how you can link two contacts.

1.  On your device's homescreen, tap on .

2. Tap on and tap the contact you want to link with another contact.

3. Press on and tap Link contact.

4. And tap the contact whose information you want to be linked with the first one. Tap OK to confirm. The first contact no longer appears on your contact list but is merged with the second contact.

Now if you mistakenly linked two contacts

1.  Tap on  on your homescreen and then tap on.

2. Then tap on the linked contact you want to edit.

3. And tap on. Tap on Separate on the list and tap on OK to confirm.

Want more? Check Sony Xperia Z1s Tips and Tricks.


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