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March 28, 2014

How To Make Your LG G Flex a WiFi Hotspot


Do you want to share your Internet connection for your friends? With LG G Flex, you can now share your connection with up to 5-8 devices by turning on the portable Wi-Fi hotspot. You will notice an icon in the Status bar when your phone is sharing a data connection.

To share your phone’s data connection as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot:

1.  Tap on the Home Icon > Three Horizontal Lines or Settings icon.

2.  Go to System settings More... Wi-Fi hotspot.

3.  Tap the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot switch to activate it. After a moment, the phone starts broadcasting its Wi-Fi network name (SSID), so you can connect it with up to eight (8) computers or other phones.

4.  To change the network name (SSID) or secure its Wi-Fi network, tap Set up Wi-Fi hotspot.

5.  In the dialog box, configure the options:
  • Tap the Network SSID field and enter a new network SSID (name) that other computers see when scanning for Wi-Fi networks.
  • To secure the Wi-Fi network, tap the Security menu and select WPAP2 PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 with a Preshared Key). When a password field is added to the dialog box, enter a password. You will need to enter this password when you connect the phone‘s hotspot with a computer or other phone.
  • Tap the SSID Visibility field to decide if you want your hotspot to be displayed to other devices.
  • To limit the number of phones to share your phone’s data connection, tap Max users and select the number of the phones to limit.

6.  Tap Save.


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