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March 22, 2014

How to Take Continuous Camera Shots on HTC Desire 816

Want to take photos continuously on your HTC Desire 816? You just need to set the settings and you can now capture the moment of the action. Every movement of the action counts, so take the photo continuously.

Follow these steps:

1. First, make sure that you're in Normal scene to use this feature.

2. On the Viewfinder screen, just press and hold on.

- It should take 20 consecutive shots since it is the default settings.

- If you want to capture more than 20 shots, just tap on the Gear Icon or Settings, then Continuous shooting. After that, clear the Limit to 20 frames option.

3. You can also select the photo that you like most by tapping Best shot. If you don't want the other photos, then you can delete it.


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