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March 29, 2014

How to Save Battery Life on your iPhone 5c


If you just got your new iPhone 5c, you’d never want to leave it sitting blankly for even an hour. You’d even want to use it till its battery gone dead. It’s common for Apple users to get fascinated and hooked with iDevices’ cool features. If you are that addicted, saving your battery life could perhaps give you another hour of gaming spree and even lengthen your devices’ life. Here are some few things though that you must know on how to save battery life on your iDevices.

1. Turn off vibrate feature when playing games. Avoid playing intensive video games as this will kill your battery quickly.

2. You might not know this, but by adjusting your devices’ volume to low or none at all, you are eventually saving a small amount of battery life. Go to Settings menu, select General and head on to Sounds to adjust your devices’ sound system.

3. Just like computers, keeping your iDevices’ screen at maximum brightness will consume more battery life. Adjust your screen settings to low by going to Settings and select Brightness and Wallpaper to change the default level of brightness.

4. Switch to Airplane mode when you don’t need to use the internet. Airplane mode basically turns off both Wi-Fi and the regular wireless radio. However this will also prevent calls from coming in. If you’re just playing a regular game and doesn’t want any disturbances (like a phone call perhaps), might as well switch to Airplane mode to save battery life.

5. 3G connection uses up more battery life compared to Wi-Fi. So if possible, use Wi-Fi especially on hotspot instead of 3G. According to Apple, iPhone on the other hand gets 10 hours for Wi-Fi and only 6 hours for 3G.

6. Disable Bluetooth radio when not needed. Go to Settings, then General and Bluetooth to switch off.

7. Turn off Push Notifications. Every time you get notifications from Facebook , Twitter or any apps your using, you’re also consuming your battery life. If you can check those apps manually, you can turn off the notifications by heading to SettingsNotifications and switch to off to save a bit of battery life.

8. Set your screens to lock quickly when not in use. Go to General; select Auto-Lock to set your screen to lock quickly before you put it back on your pocket or bag.

9. Keep your devices out of the sun or any hot surfaces. Heat kills batteries quickly.

Also check: iPhone 5c Tips and Tricks | How To's


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