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September 6, 2012

Nokia Unveils Lumia 920 and 820: Top or Flop?


Nokia and Microsoft just wrapped up its big event in New York City in an aim to get the third spot player for the smartphone game. But it turns out that investors were not wowed on Nokia’s new flagship as shown on Nokia shares which fell down to 13% at 1.99 euro according to Reuters. Could this be a game lost for Nokia against Apple and Google?

Finnish phone maker Nokia created beautiful Windows 8 phones with sharper edges and a polycarbonate body. Lumia 920 is available in striking color yellow and subtle gray colors. It did confirm as well the rumored specs for Lumia 920 which we featured on our last article. Lumia 920 sports a 4.5 inch display with a 1280 x 768 resolution. Of course, there is the impressive 8.7 megapixel camera with optical image stabilization which works well in low light. And last but not the least, it can be charged wirelessly.

While the 920 feels large enough in your hands, the Lumia 820 feels rather a normal smartphone with rounded edges. It has a smaller screen at 4.3 inches with 800 x 480 resolution. If 920 is only available in two colors, 820 has a bunch of additional color options.

No matter how beautiful these two handsets are, it doesn’t seem to impress investors who have witnessed the unveiling. While other mobile companies tried to catch up the game and keep with the fast pace the way the leaders are moving, Nokia seemed like it was just strolling along the park. It didn’t tie up with any carriers to guarantee consumers. And the worst, the big event was sort of a soft launch as it failed to mention the release or the availability date of the said products. A big no-no in times like this when phone makers are playing aggressively before big company like Apple launch its famous iPhone 5.

If it wants to be named as the third player, it should be playing fair enough to join the top spot. But as far as how Nokia stands, getting into the 3rd spot or knocking off the top 2 giant—Apple and Google—only shows to have a slim chance.

Image Credit: The Verge
Source: Reuters, The Verge

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