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September 16, 2012

Samsung S III VS iPhone 5: Samsung Striked Apple

Samsung striked Apple in their new Ad shown to Mashable that will start running in various national and local newspapers on Sunday. The ad has a tagline “It doesn’t take a genius”, which refers to Apple’s “genius” retail employees. 

Samsung compared their new flagship the Galaxy S III against the new iPhone 5 which will be released this coming September 21. 

It clearly stated that Samsung Galaxy S III is more advanced than iPhone 5. Its features and specifications overtake the newly announced iPhone 5 in terms of HD resolution, standby time, talk time, RAM and including the Near Field Communication (NFC).

Galaxy S III has already beaten the iPhone 4S as top selling cell phone in the United States. Can this Ad take Samsung Galaxy S III more sales against the newly announced iPhone 5? Or the consumers will still go for the iPhone 5.

Source: Mashable
Image Credit: Samsung

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