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September 24, 2012

Samsung Rolled Out Android Jelly Bean Update for Galaxy S3


Samsung has just rolled out Android 4.1.1 or better called as Jelly Bean on its Galaxy S3 handsets. The update will kick off in Eastern Europe. Samsung users particularly in Poland will get to receive the update first. This is a delight to Samsung S3 users who initially wondered why Samsung decided to use Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich over Jelly Bean (such tasty names).

Samsung has been the leading Android manufacturer and its flagship Samsung Galaxy S3 has a remarkable market share worldwide. With this new update to Jelly Bean, Samsung guarantees another amazing experience on its handsets most significantly with the addition of Google Now.

Google takes pride in Google Now which is the core feature of Jelly Bean. As Android Senior Vice President of Mobile and Digital Content Andy Rubin said in a blog post in June, “Google Now is a new feature that gets you just the right information at just the right time. It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much traffic to expect before you leave for work or your favorite team’s score as they’re playing. There’s no digging required: cards appear at the moment you need them the most.”

Among other enhancements with the Jelly Bean update are new notifications bar, resizable pop-up play screen, multiple homescreen modes and of course better performance. You can download the said update to the latest version of Android through Samsung’s KIES sync software or OTA (over-the-air).

Image Credit: Samsung
Source: ZDNet, Sammobile


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