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November 27, 2012

Facebook Encourages Employees to Switch to Android phones


Social Networking giant Facebook, Inc. begs its employees to switch today to Android phones. Facebook has long deployed iPhones to its workers. And now that Android phones are getting more widely popular, Facebook wants its employees to switch to Android and report any bugs they find in the Facebook app on Android ecosystem.

The reason behind this call is presumably Facebook app works better on iPhone than on Android phones. There are occasional issues with Facebook app on Google operating system since engineers are more focused on the iOS system given the fact that they’re using iPhones. To put a remedy with the Android issue, Facebook has placed several posters on their headquarters in Menlo Park campus. The campaign is dubbed as the “Droidfooding” which is derived from Android and dogfooding (eating your own food which literally means testing your own product).

With this campaign, Facebook is hopeful that its people will finally be aware that Android does exist and they’re overtaking iPhone by numbers. Employees are asked to update to the most recent beta version of Facebook apps on Android. And if they spotted a bug, they can just violently shake their phone and automatically logs its current state and send in the report to Facebook debugging team. The name of the said feature is “Rage Shake” which speaks for itself the manner on how to report a bug.

I bet it would be a very hard decision for the employees especially if they have grown some attachment to their iPhones. But Facebook is dead serious with its Droidfooding campaign that it doesn’t want its workers to have both but instead only one. If it could be as easy "like and unlike button", then all is well!

Image Credit:Techcrunch


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