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November 23, 2012

Microsoft to Rival Google’s Project Glass


Microsoft has finally moved in to the wearable computer arena. Redmond giant has filed a patent with US Patent and Trademark Office, published today,outlining how its own version of wearable computer glasses works. It is set to rival Google’s Project Glass which will be launched on 2014.

With Microsoft’s patent application on “EventAugmentation with Real-Time Information", the user will experience watching a live event with statistical information like a tv coverage. This supplemental information describes at least the objects in the field of view of the user and may change as the user’s view changes.

“Fans of live sporting and artistic events have enjoyed various types of information which is provided on different displays to supplement the live event. This supplemental information is provided both when the user is in attendance at the event and when the user views the event on broadcast media. One example of this is the augmentation of football games to display a first down marker superimposed on a playing field in a broadcast television event, and the broadcast of replays both on broadcast television and large displays at the venue of event.”

It further noted that, “When attending live events, spectators may be provided with screen displays augmenting the performance. This augmentation can include instant replays and language translation.”

Microsoft didn't mention though on its application on the launching of its own pair of glasses. This is somehow considered to be an early move for Microsoft since, apart from Google, only Vuzix, Sony and Oakley are known to be working on similar devices. Sooner, smartphones will be phased out and computers will be all wearable just like a watch. How cool is that? 


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