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November 10, 2012

Skype Launches New Platform for Small Businesses


Skype introduces a new online platform called Skype in the Workspace (SITW) which allows small businesses to connect with potential customers, suppliers and partners from anywhere in the world. The recently acquired Microsoft company promises to establish small businesses right through Skype.

With over 280 million connected Skype users each month, Skype definitely can provide huge range of contacts for the SITW community. As Ural Cebeci, Head of SMB Marketing at Skype, said, “We aim to connect millions of small businesses with Skype in the workspace and believe that, by taking advantage of this shared network, businesses can develop the range of tools they need to grow, regardless of location or industry. From the designer in San Francisco looking to source textile suppliers in Thailand to the London consultant connecting with clients in Milan, the possibilities are endless.”

Small-business owners can connect with experts, coaches and consultants in SITW that will help them develop their businesses. Interested users can join the community using their existing Skype accounts. You can then invite community members to live sessions on Skype where you demonstrate your services or introduce your product. Aside from that, SITW allows you to book appointments with potential customers and suppliers. You will be notified if there’ll be upcoming meetings with their notification services. And when you finally established your product/service and earn customers, they can instantly give testimonials or reviews on the product that you offered.

To create an opportunity on Skype in the Workspace, check their website and this might open a new door for you. Go check it out!


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