I am a member of these two networks and as you can see on my site I've also run them both. But what are their differences and how much you will earn on these sites. Okay, let's talk first on CPALead.
CPALead is one of the top CPA Networks in the world. They also have the highest converting campaigns in the industry. By the way, CPA stands for Cost Per Action. You are getting paid on every leads you get. It also means that your earnings will vary on the number of completed surveys. Yes, they have a great payout ranging from $0.20 - $20 per lead (as far as I know). Imagine if you generate 1000 unique visitors per day and get 100 leads (completed the survey) and assuming that the offer is for $1. So, you will be earning around $100/day. Sounds good, right? But remember, you will only get the payout if they will complete the survey. The problem is that most of the people won't do the survey because they are afraid to enter their E-mail Ad/Number/Zip Code and will get SPAM emails or etc. That is why CPA Networks are full of
BlackHat Method. This method will surely earn them thousands of dollars per month. But they deceived a lot of people only to earn this amount.

Google Adsense is effortless. You are still earning even if you do nothing on your site. Your earnings are based on every click and not on surveys. PPC stands for Pay Per Click. So, no surveys that needs to take for you to earn. Earnings also vary on your daily clicks. Based on my experience, I have earned $1+ in just one click. If I remember it right, that click was based on US. The countries with highest rate per click are United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada (based on my Google Adsense performance). Some countries only offer less per click ranging from $0.01 - $1. I know what you are thinking that they are not offering much. But as you know it is easy to earn cash per click than taking surveys. You can earn a lot of clicks on CPALead but not earning because they were not able to complete the survey. In my opinion, Google Adsense is the best. I don't even need to update my site everyday to earn. In CPALead you need to be creative and find attractive keywords on your visitors for you to earn. Actually I tried to research on some payment proof on Google Adsense, and I find someone that is earning $1,400+ on a certain day by doing nothing. I was really impressed of his earnings and I know that many bloggers are earning more with Google Adsense.
I conclude that you will earn more with Google Adsense compared to CPALead. Though you can run both on your site just what I did.
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