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July 3, 2012

How to Manage and Hide Tagged Photos of You


Indeed a picture can say thousands of words. Nowadays, you are judged by who you are with photos you post on your Facebook. So before your friends tag you with photos of you completely wasted, shield yourself by blocking those photos from being posted without your approval. Or else you might hear that most dreaded three words from your boss the following day just because he thinks that you are such an irresponsible employee and should be better off somewhere else. Here’s how to do some tweaking on your timeline and tagging settings.

Step1. Of course, log in to Facebook first and click on the “Privacy Settings” option.

Step2.  Go to “Timeline and Tagging” and click on “Edit Settings’ beside it.

Step3.  A box will pop up for you to customize your current settings. Now for you to review tagged photos of you before they get posted in your timeline, click on that small right arrow.

Step4.  Click on that small arrow to “Enabled” photo review. This means that any tagged photos of you will not be published in your timeline without your approval. Though this tagged photos may appear on your common friends’ news feed.

Another thing that I will be sharing with you as well is on how you can hide tagged photos and videos of you and prevent anyone from viewing it. The steps below will show you how.

Step1.  This can be viewed still under “Timeline and Tagging” settings. Beside “Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in your timeline”, just click on that arrow for the options. Then hit on “Custom”.

Step2.  Choose “Only Me” and click on “Save Changes”.  Only you can view then all photos and videos you were tagged in. But if you want some close friends to see it too, choose “Specific People or Lists”.

Note: If you have any suggestions regarding in what to post or problems you have encountered related in my topics, feel to contact me at my email listed in "Contact us" tab. I will make sure to reply with your concern within 24 hours.


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