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July 19, 2012

Justin Bieber and Katy Perry Banned in UK

According to reports, Justin Bieber and Katy Perry’s faces are banned from UK. Not that they aren’t allowed to set foot in UK but their Proactiv campaigns have been banned after an anonymous whistleblower alerted the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in UK of an alleged misleading claims of Bieber and Perry on their ad.

ASA said that the product is unsuitable for UK consumers as the UK version contains a different active ingredient to that of the US product. They even said that the stars had only used the said UK version of the product for just several weeks and between one and three years before the ads appeared.

“In that context, we therefore considered the claims of continued use had not been substantiated. We concluded that the ads were misleading. The ads must not appear again in their current form.”

Geez. That’s indeed a big slap to Justin and Katy’s acne-free faces.


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