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July 15, 2012

Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer May Launch Office 2013 Beta on Monday


Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to launch the public beta version of Office 2013 (aka Office 15) during a press conference in San Francisco on Monday, July 16, 2012 according to a report by USA Today. The news started from unnamed sources who claimed that the money-making suite will be available in the market early next year (2013).

Perhaps, the rumored release of Microsoft’s Office 2013 was due to the fact that Windows 8 is almost out. The release of this public beta will surely work alongside with Windows 8 Release Preview so that end-users will get to experience a blast of both widely-used tandem (Windows and Office) before they’ll be available on store shelves.

According to USA today, some 84% of the world’s personal computers run on windows. But many of Microsoft’s corporate customers are still running on Windows XP. And most of those who are using Windows 7 run Office 2010 on their computers. Upgrading their software might just be another luxury for them when they can have those basic features or tools on their current version.

Industry analyst Jack Gold says that “it is critical for Microsoft to show real benefits to upgrading.” Indeed. With alternative software that can basically perform Office-like applications, it should be necessary for Microsoft to show why users need to upgrade their software to get their products on a roll. If not, we’ll expect an injury to Microsoft’s business. Rivals Google and Apple are pushing hard to get their software on the table. Google Docs which is an Office-like software runs on Google’s servers and accessible via the internet (this is perhaps the advantage over Microsoft’s apps) while Apple’s iPad shows that clerical duties can be done on its iPad which uses a touch-screen interface instead of keyboard. With remarkable users of Google docs and iPad, Office suites seem to be in danger.

Research firm analyst Charles King of Pund-IT says “If Office 15 is a bust, those repercussions will impact and potentially injure virtually every part of Microsoft.”  He added, “It could hamper Microsoft’s push to gain a bigger foothold in search advertising and home entertainment.”

Office 2013 is rumored to run exclusively on Windows 8 and/or Windows 7. Since Windows 8 will be available this fall, Office 2013 may come preloaded on PC’s bundled with Windows 8. Well, let’s just wait till Monday if Ballmer will come on stage talking about Office 2013. But one thing is for sure, Microsoft, the once dominant software company, should definitely make a move before it’s too late.   



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