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July 16, 2012

Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler were KICKED OUT of American Idol


According to some reports, American Idol judges Jennifer Lopez and Steve Tyler never left the show according to their own will. Instead, they were “KICKED OUT” by AI bosses .Now that’s news.

As written on Times of India, JLo’s rep demanded for a whopping 17 million dollars for her third season on AI. JLo was said to earn 12 million dollars and 15 million dollars for her first and second season respectively as a judge on Idol. When she demanded for more dollars under her name, the network surprised her by not making any counteroffer just to keep her.

On the other hand, Tyler’s exodus didn’t even get to that point. Fox simply didn’t pick up Steve Tyler to take his seat for another season.

Will Randy Jackson be kicked out from the show as well? That’s still uncertain. But rumors are spreading that Fox’s executives Peter Rice and Kevin Reilly would want to clean off the slate due to falling ratings. They want to have a revamp of the show with only Ryan Seacrest returning.

Lot of names is rumored to sit on the judging panel for the next season of Idol. Names like Mariah Carey, Kanye West, Mary J. Blige, Katy Perry,  Miley Cyrus and even ex- Idol Adam Lambert appeared on the list.


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