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July 9, 2012

Touch-Free Interface on Windows 8


User interface with devices nowadays is indeed getting simpler. Touch-screen was just one of the breakthroughs as it is incorporated on most hand-held devices. But it seems like touch screen interface is now part of the old-school. Here’s another jaw-dropping breakthrough that might set aside mouse devices. Yes, you read it right (it’s almost a farewell to traditional mouse and touch screen). 

Just last July 3, 2012, eyeSight a leader in touch free interfaces for digital devices based in Israel announced the incorporation of its software into Windows 8. OEMs are definitely hungry for this unique level of experience to its users on Windows 8. Who else does? Windows 8 is said to be “designed beautifully for touch” and now OEMs are taking it a step higher to entice its consumers with this touch-free control technology added onto their pre-loaded Windows 8 computers. What’s with eyeSight’s software anyway? 

Well, just imagine you’re holding a wand that can make things happen with just a swish swash of a skinny stick. You don’t need to grab the mouse just to perform some simple clicking on your desktop. With eyeSight’s eyeCan (don’t ask me why it’s called like that)on Windows 8, you can control windows, it’s applications, media, the Metro UI and so forth with just a flick of your hand. Yes, with just a flick of your HAND. And another reason to be amazed is that with eyeKeys application it allows “gestures to be mapped on existing keyboard shortcuts, virtual key press events, touch events and etc.” You can just navigate applications like Powerpoint, Photo gallery, web browsing, reader applications, music player and other various applications with just a simple hand gesture. 

For all this to work, you might think that you need a pricey and a high-end camera for your device to recognize your gestures. Nope. This technology is designed to work with any cameras, from low to varying quality. Just so you know, eyeSight has just recently demonstrated this technology installed from wide array of devices; from smartphones to portable computers, tablets to TVs- with standard 2D camera either integrated into the device or connected into it. Totally it is a seller. This touch-free technology is compatible not just with Windows 8 but with all major operating systems like Apple’s iOS, Android and Linux and including all previous Windows versions.

A teaser video for you to watch and be amazed of its features.


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