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July 16, 2012

Apple iPhone 5’s Specs and Features


It has been a long debate on what would be Apple’s new iPhone 5 will look like. But it all boils down to consumers’ clamor for a bigger screen, thinner and lighter phone. And Santa might just heard them right. Just last Tuesday, Gotta Be Mobile released exclusive photos to the public on what was said to be the engineering sample of the iPhone 5 design. To no surprise, earlier rumors and even photos closely matched to what was released. 

Gotta Be Mobile’s Shawn Ingram said that the sample photos came from a trusted source inside the Apple supply chain in Asia.  What does iPhone 5 in store for us? Well, pictures below may not really be the final design but it definitely matches up previous rumors, photos and reports.

Here are just a piece of the rumored specs basing on the leaked photos and on what others have written:

·         As leaked pictures would show, iPhone 5 features black and white iPhones both having metal back. Others would say that it is made out of liquid metal solution – an extremely light solution. So users are now expecting iPhone 5 to be lighter compared to iPhone 4S. It’s also rumored to be taller and slightly thinner.

·         An unofficial Apple website 9to5 Mac predicted earlier that Apple would go for smaller dock connectors on iPhone 5. And the pictures just clearly match the rumor. So from Apple’s standard 30-pin dock, they’ll now go for 19-pin dock connector which they say would make more rooms for great features on iPhone 5. That one is worth the wait.               

·         According to a May 14 report, SW-box (a Hongkong based components supplier) claimed to have acquired a new headphone jack, ear speaker and Wi-Fi cable part for a new iPhone. And SW-Box’s design would fit just perfectly with the design released by iFixyouri and 9to5 Mac. The design shows with the earphone jack being migrated from the top right corner of the phone to the bottom left corner.

·         Apple just announced that it will launch iOS6 the next version of its mobile operating system this fall. And since iPhone 5 is rumored to be released this October, it would definitely make sense that Apple will be using its iOS6 on its iPhone 5. So that settles it, iPhone 5 will be using iOS6 with Darwin Kennel version 13.0.0 and a processor of ARM S5L8950X or the A5 according to an article from 9to5mac.

Apple has just made almost every consumers stirred up with their iPhone 5. It’s just few months away from the expected release date and we’ll get to see the looks of this more delayed iPhone generation. From there, we’ll see if rumors have it.


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