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July 17, 2012

Tom and Katie Holmes ‘ Suri Enrolled in a Catholic School?


With Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise now officially not together, many have wonder what’s behind the sudden break up of this well-followed Hollywood couple. It seems like yesterday when some of us are appalled on how Tom jumps like crazy on the couch at the Oprah Winfrey show. It was Tom confessing his admiration for the much younger former Dawson’s Creek star Katie Holmes.

But now we are witnessing another Hollywood break up. Katie recently filed for divorce from Tom Cruise and other speculated that the reason was Katie didn’t want Suri raised in the Church of Scientology which Tom fully embraces.

According to E! News, Holmes has signed the adorable tot at the Convent of The Sacred Heart in New York- Suri’s first school experience. So the speculations might just be half-true.  Celebrities like Lady Gaga and Nicky Hilton also attended on this exclusive Manhattan establishment.

The ex-couple has just recently reached a settlement in their divorce with, UKPA reported. “The case has been settled and the agreement has been signed,” said Holmes’ lawyer Jonathan Wolfe in a statement. “We are thrilled for Katie and her family and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life.”


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