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July 21, 2012

How to Share Photos and Posts in Facebook


Want to share photos or quotes just to your special friends? Then you got it. Facebook has added a new feature to its system. Now you have couple of options on how you would want to share photos or posts. Check out the options on how to share photos and posts in Facebook.

Step 1.  Click on the “Share” option below the photo or post.

Step 2.  A pop up window will then appear. Before, shared photos and posts are only posted in your timeline. But now, it will allow you to post it on a friend’s timeline, in a group or as a private message.

This is how it looks like when you choose “In a group” option. Note that you can only choose one group to share this with. Same goes when posting it to a friend’s timeline.

On the other hand, if you opt to share it in a private message, you can share it with couple of your friends.


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