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July 13, 2012

Thatsmycity Search Engine for Places


Cheers to this new search engine that will surely add excitement to all of you out there who loves to set foot on new places. Just like Google, takes pride in giving its users a new way to get comprehensive search results for places they want to go. And I’m not just referring to the usual routing info of places. 

It showcases relevant must-see places in a city, services, features and content. Users will get up-to-date “local knowledge on restaurants, pubs and bars, things-to-do, maps and even reviews and ratings of all the places and things. This is one heck of a guide for you to check out before you pack your things and visit new places.

It’s ultimately the right search engine for places that provides more detailed info. It’s easy to navigate and free to use. Thatsmycity team is now working on search indexing to make their site close as possible to a search engine. Right now, they claim to have over 2,000,000 places listed on their site and aims to reach 1 million places by the first quarter of the next year. It displays search results from the less visited places to great and fun destinations. Soon users will be able to type in almost anything they search for that place whether the ambiance is a high five or the place is good for kids. Other than that, they are working on the ability for users to search places by the kind of food they’d like to eat.

To wrap it up, Thatsmycity search engine will help people conveniently finds everything they’re looking for in countries it has been launched in. This one is a promising travel guide search engine. Check out its site for a tour ThatsMyCity.


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