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July 18, 2012

Apple iPad Mini Rumors – Coming This End of 2012

The tablet market is definitely on a heat. Just this June, Microsoft introduced their version of tablet: the Microsoft Surface tablet. On the same month, Google unveiled the Nexus 7 which is smaller than iPad and less expensive. And according to a report in New York Times, Amazon is working on a new version of their Kindle Fire, more likely with bigger display. These companies are all in to grab that seat from iPad to earn greater market share.

On an earlier report by The Wall Street Journal, it claims that Cupertino is indeed working on a 7.85-inch iPad that will sell for significantly lesser price than the current $499 iPad device. The product is said to be announced this year. Apple’s action is surely a response to Google’s Nexus 7 which showcases remarkable features like the luxurious iPad at a lesser price.

According to a report in New York Times, Leslie Grandy - former Apple manager, says a smaller iPad could be significantly appealing to people who do not now carry their iPads with them because they are too large and heavy. While a 7-inch tablet is too big for pants pockets, Ms. Grandy further added that it is a good size for women’s purses.

NY Times also noted that the late Steve Jobs “memorably dismissed” the 7-inch tablets. However, he was also known to have sudden changes of opinion.

So are we indeed expecting Apple’s version of a 7-inch tablet? Rumors suggest that the iPad mini will feature WiFi and LTE connectivity like the current iPad. The design is said to resemble more or less like the current iPod touch. For the display, reports said it will be using a Retina display or a 1024x768. Rumors further suggest that Apple might sell this iPad mini at $299.

Would you swipe your card for that price? Will it put Google’s Nexus 7 on hold? All of that can be answered once iPad mini debuts in the market before the end of the year.


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