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July 13, 2012

How to Control Who Can Post Stories on Your Timeline


Well just imagine that you called your boss and telling him you can’t come to work because you’re sick (but the truth is you had a drop-till-dawn party with friends). And just when everything is well-planned, your friend posted on your timeline that you were the star of the night and even posted a photo of you on your timeline. Yikes! Sounds danger! Just a few tweaking on your Facebook Privacy Settings will let you keep others’ noses off of your timeline. Here’s how to control who can post stories on your timeline.

Step1.  Click on the downward arrow beside HOME and on the drop down option, click on ‘Privacy Settings”.

Step2.  You will then be redirected to another page. Look for “Timeline and Tagging” and click on “Edit Settings”.

Step3.   On “Who can post on your timeline”, notice that you only have two options. You can either choose your friends or no one but only you. Click on DONE on the bottom of that pop-up window. But if you only plan to restrict only few people from posting stories on your timeline, there’s another work around on this. Read on the next step.

Step4.  Just follow steps 1 and 2 and once you have the “Timeline and Tagging’ pop up window, point your mouse on “Who can see what others post on your timeline”. You’ll see a list of options unlike “Who can post on your timeline”.

Here’s the catch. “Anyone you block from viewing stories posted by others on your timeline WILL ALSO BE BLOCKED FROM POSTING STORIES ON YOUR TIMELINE”. So you can click on “Custom” or Close Friends” option and you’ll have anyone who isn’t part of your Close Friends or Customized List blocked from posting stories on your timeline. Click on DONE once you have decided.

Note: If you have any suggestions regarding in what to post or problems you have encountered related in my topics, feel to contact me at my email listed in "Contact us" tab. I will make sure to reply with your concern within 24 hours.


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