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July 17, 2012

Iron Man 3 Reveals in Comic-Con 2012


Marvel Studios’ “Iron Man 3” stars surprised everyone during the Comic-Con International 2012 at San Diego Convention Center on July 14, 2012 in San Diego California with their footage. The well loved man-in-steel character, played by Robert Downey Jr., asked the crowd with these questions: “How much do I love you?” and “How much do you love me?”

That was a real shocker. Yes, the third installment to the Iron Man franchise is now in production. Downey introduced their footage before new director Shane Black and co-stars Don Cheadle (who plays as Jim “Rhodey” Rhodes) and Jon Favreau (as Happy Hogan) took the center stage.

Favreau seems to be focused in portraying his character now that he get to play a part to what was once he directed for the past two Iron Man sequel. “I never got a chance to worry about the role before; I never got to have fun”, he said. “But now I get to play with, which I never really got to do.”
As with other characters in Iron Man 3, it’s confirmed that Ben Kingsley will be playing the evil role of Mandarin and Stephanie Szostak (Dinner for Schmucks) has joined the cast according to a report in E! Online.

Director Shane Black assured the audience that he wouldn’t screw up this 3rd sequel. He said, “We’re halfway through. If we don’t screw it up the rest, it’ll be great.”

The footage showed Tony Stark’s seaside mansion thoroughly demolished by an airborne firing squad and his precious armor are blown into bits and pieces. Our hero here will start from scratch while he faces super villains on the loose.  But hey, would Downey still do the part of Iron Man on this film? That seems to be a surprise as he announced that he’s come to the end of his contract. Does he want a raise? Or this is just publicity? Well, I personally would want Downey wearing that suit again, just saying.

Iron Man 3 is set to hit theaters on May 3, 2013 according to E! Online’s report.


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