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July 4, 2012

How to Edit Your Comments on Facebook


I can still remember those instances when I need to delete my comment and repost it due to typos. Such a hassle, isn’t it? And what else could get worst if you need to rewrite the whole thing because you forgot to copy it and had just deleted it. Well, Facebook heard our cries. They have just recently added a new update to their system which will allow you to edit your comments and even view the editing history for that comment. Take note, that only your comments can be edited. Here’s some simple steps on how to edit your comment on Facebook.

Step1.  Point your mouse on the upper right corner of your comment until a pencil icon will show up. Click on that and it will let you edit your comment.

Here’s how it’ll look like after you click on that pencil icon:

Step2. If you change your mind, just press on ESC on your keyboard so you can exit the editing process. But if you are already done editing it, just hit on ENTER and then a clickable word “EDITED” will appear right below the edited comment. Just click on that if you wish to view the Edit History.

Step3.  In addition to that, you now have the option to Hide some comments on your Facebook or even report it as an abusive.

Note: If you have any suggestions regarding in what to post or problems you have encountered related in my topics, feel to contact me at my email listed in "Contact us" tab. I will make sure to reply with your concern within 24 hours.


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