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July 1, 2012

How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account

I know that there will always come a time that what we once we go crazy for is what we now totally despise. So even if you stay late every night just checking out your friends’ posts and your wacky photos, time will come that you just want to hit that delete button so badly. Well, just in case you’ve decided to permanently delete your Facebook account, yes DELETE not DEACTIVATE, just follow these steps below on how to achieve a Facebook-free life.

Step1. Once you’re logged into your Facebook account, go to deletion page to access the deletion page in Facebook.

Step2.   You will then get the “Delete My Account” box. Take note that your account will be deleted after 14 days. If you are totally into it, don’t try to log in any websites using Facebook or even hit that like button on any sites as this may prevent your account from being deleted. Click on “Delete My Account” to proceed.

Step3.  You will then be asked to type in your password and captchas to confirm that it’s you who’s deleting the account. Hit on “Okay’.

Step4.  You will be prompted then of the exact date of your account deletion. Click on “Confirm Deletion” to complete the process.

Step5. This is how your account deletion confirmation box looks like. If you change your mind, you should access your account before the deletion date. As easy as that!

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