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July 5, 2012

How to Disable Facebook Game Notifications and Requests


Admit it, every time we see a game request on our Facebook makes us feel so aggravated. No matter how we shout out telling our friends that we don’t play those “whateverville” games, those game requests just keep on flooding in.  And in worst case scenario, we’re tempted to hit that unfriend button just to save our sanity. Then this article might help and spare you from tension and trouble. Just follow the steps below on how to, finally, disable or block those game notifications and requests.

Step1.  Log in to your Facebook account and go to this link. .

Step2. On that page, scroll down to the bottom until you see the “Apps and Games” section. Click on “Friends Using” tab. Copy all the name of the games used by your friends that you wish to block.

Step3.  Go then to your “Privacy Settings” drop down option on the upper right hand corner of the page.

Step4. You’ll be redirected to another page. Just scroll down and beside “Blocked People and Apps” click on “Manage Blocking”.

Step5.  Another page will appear. Now,scroll down and look for the “Block Apps” box

Step6. Just type in or paste the names of apps or games you wish to block and hit on enter after you type/paste each name.

This is how the block apps/games list looks like. You have just saved your Facebook from a misery. Enjoy!

Note: If you have any suggestions regarding in what to post or problems you have encountered related in my topics, feel to contact me at my email listed in "Contact us" tab. I will make sure to reply with your concern within 24 hours.


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