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August 19, 2012

L.A. Restaurant Gives Discounts to Customers Who Put Their Phones Away


Fast food chains, coffee shops, restaurants and even beauty salons offer free wi-fi connection to their customers just to lure them in. Admit it, in recent years people seem to forget that we once survived without smartphones and internet.   But now, instead of getting a good bite at a resto, diners often get busy taking the perfect snapshot of their well-plated dish before they even touch their order. 
Or they turned into some sort of paparazzi – taking pictures of every bite. And oh, sharing it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter would make it extra meaningful. I wonder if that makes the food extra savory.

A restaurant in Los Angeles noticed that and to avoid (perhaps) their food being a mere photo, they now offer a discount for diners who put away their phones off the table. Eva Restaurant on Beverly Boulevard treats their diners with a 5% discount off their bill if they dump their digital devices before being seated according to a report in LA Times.

Owner and Chef Mark Gold revealed the reason as to why they took this step during an interview over KPCC radio station. “For us, it’s really not about people disrupting other guests. Eva is a home, and we want to create that environment of home, and we want people to connect again”. He further added, “It’s about two people sitting together and just connecting, without the distraction of a phone, and we’re trying to create an ambiance where you come in and really enjoy the experience and the food and the company.”

About half of their patrons have already enjoyed the said discount and a sumptuous meal minus the documentation from phones. Still nothing beats a nice talk with a glass of a wine over dinner.  Taking a meal is not a photo shoot.  It is savoring every delicate taste that life has offered. Now that’s a happy meal.

Image Source: Evarestaurantla


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