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August 9, 2012

YouTube App Removed by Apple From iPhone and iPad


With Apple battling with Samsung, Google’s biggest Android phone partner, over patent issues in a court case, other says that the war caused Apple to exclude YouTube app on its iOS platform. The said app has been on iOS since Apple launched iPhone in 2007.

It was worth mentioning that Apple did away first with Google Maps in iOS 6 and now they’ve come to remove YouTube from iPhones and iPads running on iOS 6.  Apple released a test version of its new operating system which powers their iPads and iPhones on Monday and developers noticed immediately that the YouTube app was missing.

The Cupertino company released a statement regarding such move that “our license to include the YouTube app in iOS has ended.” Apple also said that owners of its devices can still use YouTube on their web browsers and that Google is making a new YouTube app that will be available in the App store. No date yet has been given on when Google’s version of the YouTube app will appear.

According to a BBC write up which quoted Stuart Miles, founder and head of tech news site Pocket-lint, he said “this is all about Apple removing Google from its operating system completely. In a couple of years you will just ask Siri for results and you will not care where it comes from.” Seems like Apple is heading that way which is getting rid of Google.

YouTube app will nevertheless run on iOS 5 devices. A YouTube spokesperson released a statement to The Verge saying that “we are working with Apple to ensure we have the best possible YouTube experience for iOS users. Oh well, that’s already strike two for Apple. 


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