You can now display thumbnails of your related posts anywhere on your blog by using widget. Related posts is also very important especially to your readers that have other questions related to your topics. So they don't need to search on Google for the topic and will just stay on your page. I will share to you how to add related posts on your blogger with thumbnails.
Step 1. Go to LinkWithIn site and fill up the following.
Step 2. Click on Install Widget.

Step 3. Click on "Edit Content" and put this code " <script>linkwithin_text='Related Posts:'</script> " just above the widget code inside.
Step 4. Click on "Edit Content" and replace the code with " <b:includable id='main'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><data:content/></b:if></b:includable> ".
Step 5. You can now click "Add Widget" so it will be added on your blogger layout.

Step 6. You can add the Widget anywhere in your layout, but I recommend to put the "Related Posts" under the "Blog Posts".
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