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August 30, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Voice-Controlled Camera


With a recent loss of $1 billion (Yes, it’s A BILLION) to Apple with its patent battle on smartphones, Korean company Samsung is trying to get back on track and this time it’s making a new line of camera. What’s new with this camera? Oh! It’s just a voice-controlled camera (first ever, I think) that runs on Android platform.

Samsung unveiled the 16-megapixel Galaxy Camera at the IFA tech show in Berlin on Wednesday together with its two new phones, the Galaxy Note II and the ATIV S which runs Microsoft’s Windows 8. I guess their taking another shot to challenge iPhones.

Well to those camera freaks and frustrated photographers, you might want to check this cool camera from Samsung. First off, it has a 4.8 inch HD Super (SUPER) Clear LCD Screen. Like its Galaxy S3 phone, it also runs Google’s Android 4.1 operating system or widely known as the Jelly Bean allowing it to perform tasks such as photo organizing, photo sharing and voice-control. So instead of pressing buttons like “Zoom In” and “Shoot”, you can now rest your fingers and just take command with your voice.

Think that’s all? Samsung Galaxy Camera comes in two connectivity options: a 3G and Wi-Fi version or a 4G and Wi-Fi version. So right after you take that perfect snapshot, you don’t need to transfer your photos to your pc for you to share it online. It’s just few buttons away and viola! You can have those photos shared online in one snap.

This will be available in many countries by the end of October this year. Or if you’re in Berlin, you can drop by at the Samsung booth (#20) at IFA from August 31 to September 5 for you to see. And hopefully Samsung can bounce back with its billion loss with this trendy and cool camera.

Image Credit and News Source: IBN Live



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