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August 28, 2012

LG Announced 3D TV Game Portal This September


While Apple and Samsung are busy of their patent issue, LG Company is making their move and introduced the 3D TV Game Portal. The system has been developed exclusively for LG’s Cinema 3D TV with the easy way to search, purchase, and play apps.

Havis Kwon, CEO of LG Home Entertainment Company promised that there will be more popular titles exclusively for LG Cinema 3D Smart TV.

The genre list categorizes: action, puzzle, adventure, shooter, arcade, sports, simulation, strategy games and role-playing. You can find these categories at the new portal’s main menu. You will also see four listing of games on the menu: Featured, Top Chart, New, and Genre.

This will be a very user-friendly since you can also access the tutorial on the main menu. All the instructions and manuals how to play with the LG Magic Remote. You can find your previously purchased games at the top of the screen as well as you most played games. Most of the titles available of the Game World will be family-friendly fare, according to LG.

The Game Portal will be released all around the world this coming September.

Source & Image Credit: PCMag


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