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August 28, 2012

Angelina Jolie Lookalike Stabbed Taxi Driver When He Refuses for a Third Round of Sex


Nicolae Stan, a Romanian taxi driver, claims that Luminita Perijoc, 30, forced him to have sex with her at knifepoint and even stabbed him when he refuses for a third go according to a report from Daily Mail.

The Angelina Jolie lookalike asked Stan to help her with her bags but when they reached her apartment, she demanded for a sex. The driver claimed that he refused to do such thing but was forced to do so when Perijoc pulled out a knife and forced him to undress.

“She asked me to help with her bags but when we were upstairs she got me in to her kitchen and told me she had to have sex with me,” claims Mr. Stan.“I think she wasn’t used to anyone saying no because she flew into a rage when I declined. She took out a knife and forced me to undress and have sex with her,” he added.

Police investigating on this case said that the Jolie lookalike beauty might have showcased such behavior as she was under medication at that time.

And when she wasn’t satisfied with the first two rounds, she demanded for a third go but the married man refused. “When I refused she attacked me with a knife and forced me to have oral sex with her but she still stabbed me.”

Stan managed to escape when he barricade himself into a bedroom and dial 999 on his phone. Ms. Perijoc stabbed Nicolae Stan more than half a dozen as shown on his stab wounds when he was taken to the hospital.

Local police are still interviewing both parties as to what had really happened.

News Source: Daily Mail 
Image Credit: Just Jared


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