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August 24, 2012

iPad Mini & iPhone 5 Release Date Confirmed


The most-awaited event of all Apple iPhone fans has finally arrived. A report from Techcrunch that a trusted employee from Verizon confirmed the dates of the event and the release date of iPhone 5. The said event which will be held on September 12 and will announce the coming iPhone 5 on September 21. In this event, Apple will officially announce the release date and the name for the new iPhone or iPhone 5.

Apple seems to have a pattern in releasing their new devices. Last year iPhone 4S release date, have almost similar timeline in this coming release date of the new iPhone or iPhone 5.

While the iPhone 5 (new iPhone) already confirmed the release date. According to Slashgear article, there's a source that the  iPad Mini will not be included on the said event on September 12. The new generation of iPad (iPad Mini) will instead be announced at an event on October.


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