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August 30, 2012

Sony Revealed Their New Smartphones (Xperia T, V, and J)


Sony announced at IFA in Berlin their three new models of smartphones called Xperia T, V, and J. Among of these new models, Xperia T is having the best specification with an NFC (Near Field Communication).

Xperia T is a 4.6 inch screen offering HD resolution with a 13 megapixel camera. Has a 1.5GHz dual-core processor and able to connect to LTE 4G. The Xperia T will be running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich but will be upgraded to Android 4.1, Sony claims. The Xperia T is Sony’s new flagship handset.

Xperia V has almost the same specifications on the Xperia T. Though it has a smaller 4.3 inch screen display and don’t have the NFC (Near Field Communication), but it has the most advantage feature during rainy season since it is a water-resistant skin.

The last model is Xperia J and would have a 4-inch screen display and a 5 megapixel camera and 1GHz processor. Sony does not mention enough information on this model.

Source: CNET
Image Credit: CNET (Brian Bennett)


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